45 More Quotes From Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Because September 25 is National Psychotherapy Day

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by zhukovsky on DepositPhotos

Created in 2012, National Psychotherapy Day was designed to promote the profession each September 25, while destigmatizing the need for people to seek therapy at certain times in their lives. One famous therapist who has helped take the stigma out of talking about sexual problems is Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and these quotes are examples of why her advice rang in the ears of her radio listeners for years.

1. “If there are no demonstrations of love between two people, there is no actual love. If one half of a couple never wants to hold hands, never wants to cuddle, won’t lift a finger to assist his or her partner in any way, forgets every important date, or barely says two words over dinner, then I say that person is saying loud and clear that he or she doesn’t have any love in his or her heart.”

2. “If you’re a single lady and want to attract some men, why not host a Super Bowl party?”

3. “Some people are voting today. Some people are having sex. They’re not mutually exclusive, but not in the polling booth, please!”

4. “Every person deserves respect.”

5. “It is relatively easy for a person to lie. Saying ‘I love you’ takes little or no effort. However, demonstrating love requires involvement…

