7 Relationship Habits to Leave in 2020

Ditch these behaviors to improve your relationship in 2021 and beyond

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by stanciuc1 on DepositPhotos

The new year is always a time for new beginnings, and more than ever, people are definitely looking forward to a change. You may have even put together some resolutions to help you make this year better than the last, but have you also thought about what you can do for your relationship? There are many bad habits that we can develop in our relationships, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take steps in order to let them go and cultivate new behaviors that will make our relationships more rewarding. As you make your resolutions for 2021, consider adding these items to your list. Your relationship may thank you for it.

The habit: Over-apologizing

The problem: While it’s necessary to apologize to your partner at times, and it can be part of a healthy relationship, apologizing even when you haven’t done anything wrong can actually be a detriment. This is because habitual apologizing can make your partner feel uncomfortable and they may question the sincerity of your apologies when they are actually warranted.

The change: Reframe your statement

How to do it: “Next time you feel the need to apologize for something small, one small trick to try is substituting your apology…

