How Do I Write About Sex When I Feel Anything But Sexy?

Depression and the erotica author

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by lightsource on DepositPhotos

I have been writing and publishing erotica for almost eight years. During that time, I’ve released over 60 ebooks.

Sounds impressive, right?

Not so much. At least, not to me. When you consider that I primarily write short stories and several of my ebooks are actually collections, it’s not as impressive as it may seem. And when I look at the lengthy list of ideas I have for stories that never materialized and the large gaps in my publishing history, my accomplishments — for whatever they’re worth — seem a lot less like something I should crow about and a lot more like an accusing eye peering at me with contempt for my perceived utter lack of productivity.

I have reasons…maybe explanations…maybe excuses. I write fiction on the side and most of my day is consumed by the work that pays the bills. Not exactly an unfamiliar story for a fiction writer. But I can’t blame my unproductivity entirely on my workload. The fact of the matter is, sometimes I just…


Erotica is supposed to make you feel, but sometimes what I’m actually feeling is not conducive to what I’m supposed to make you feel. I write stories that are mostly light and fun and sexy. At least, I hope that’s…

