Quickie: Don’t Have Time for Sex? Try Scheduling It

When partners can’t find the time, they find the calendar

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by lightsource on DepositPhotos

There’s no doubt about it: People are busier than ever these days and as a result, they don’t necessarily have as much time to do the deed. In fact, according to a survey of 2,000 people conducted by EdenFantasys, 60 percent reported they simply are not having as much sex as they would like.

“Open discussions with your partner and planning are a solution for your long-term sex life staying fresh, exciting, and full of pleasant discoveries.”

Luckily, 52 percent of those surveyed have a remedy for this — scheduling sex.

“As Benjamin Franklin once said, albeit for a different occasion, ‘by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,’” said an EdenFantasys spokesperson. “Do not brush off or underestimate a planning part in your sexual activities. Be imaginative and loving, but also thorough and prepared.”

And 30 percent of them are so prepared that they don’t just schedule a day, they schedule their sex date for specifically on Saturday night at 10 o’clock. They also schedule what they’re going to do before they have sex, such as having a romantic dinner at home…

