Can Emojis Make You Lucky in Love?

Research suggests that they can

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by olympuscat on DepositPhotos

We use them all the time — the smiley face with the tears that shows just how hard we’re laughing at the latest viral meme, the winky face when having a light flirtation with someone, the arms stretched out for a hug or praying hands when someone needs encouragement after a rough day. We know that emojis are everywhere online, but can they be useful when it comes to our love lives?

“It seems like people who used emojis more often were in some capacity able to create chemistry….”

This is the question that Amanda Gesselman, PhD, the Associate Director for Research at the Kinsey Institute, looked at in her research in order to find out just what effect using emojis can have when looking for love on online dating sites.

“I was really interested in seeing whether or not emojis were adding anything to the conversation that would make people feel more compatible, or feel like they knew the person on a better level than just talking to a stranger on the Internet,” she explained.

Photo by yayayoyo on DepositPhotos

“The more that we share…

