Quickie: For Better or Worse, Our Relationships Bring Our Most Significant Moments

Research finds that the most important events in our lives are tied to our relationships

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Someone holding a sign that says “It’s all about relationships” in red letters on a white background (interpersonal relationships, happiness)
Photo by gustavofrazao on DepositPhotos

Some people believe that as we die, our lives flash before our eyes and we reflect on the things that helped us grow, provided happiness, and made our lives worthwhile overall. Presumably, we may see a hodgepodge of professional triumphs, the toys we accumulated, and the important relationships in our lives — as well as our greatest disappointments in all of these areas.

“It was the moments of connecting to others that touched peoples’ lives the most.”

But a study in Self and Identity conducted by Shira Gabriel suggests that this may not be the case — and the only experiences that really make a lasting impact, both positive and negative, are centered around our interpersonal relationships.

“Most of us spend much of our time and effort focused on individual achievements such as work, hobbies, and schooling,” Gabriel said. “However, this research suggests that the events that end up being most important in our lives, the events that bring us the most happiness and also carry the potential for the most pain, are social events —…

