Reflections of a Horny Erotica Writer

The sex may be deep, but are the thoughts?

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by kotin on DepositPhotos

I am the type of person who analyzes everything to death, falls into a rabbit hole and will dig around in crazy-making muck and mire until I’ve rendered myself exhausted and muddy. So it’s not surprising that I have on occasion used what rattles around in my head as fodder for articles. Are the thoughts as deep as the sex I may write about? Probably not. But the following articles were still fun to write and hopefully you’ll enjoy reading them just as much.

25 Things I Thought While Losing My Virginity

This article looks at some thoughts I had during my first time. Neither the thoughts nor the sex were all that deep.

15 Things He Thought While Taking My Virginity

In this response to the first piece, I attempt to climb into the deflowerer’s mind to figure out what he may have been thinking as we did the deed.

