Toilet Troubles Lead to Losing That Loving Feeling

How bathroom blunders cause a stink that leaves love circling the bowl

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by Vaicheslav on DepositPhotos

There are plenty of issues that can cause problems in a relationship — and for some couples, that turmoil has their love circling the toilet bowl.

Why? Because they’re experiencing serious bathroom botherations.

“Bathroom nightmares — we can all relate to them.”

In a survey of 2,000 British couples conducted by Triton Showers, 70 percent admitted that at the time they were questioned, they were actively involved in a bathroom battle with each other — and it was causing problems in the relationship. In fact, 25 percent say that the way their partner behaves in the bathroom is the worst quality they have and more than half of them have up to three weekly arguments about an issue related to the bathroom. And what exactly was creating the conflict? Some of the most common causes of bathroom wars were:

  • Partner not replacing the toilet paper after it runs out
  • Partner not cleaning the toilet after making a mess in it
  • Partner never cleaning hair out of the shower drain
  • Partner leaving a “ghastly smell” in the bathroom after using it

