Quickie: Want to Have More Sex? Do Some Housecleaning With Your Partner

Getting the house clean together can lead to getting dirty in the bedroom

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by ufabizphoto on DepositPhotos

For most people, housecleaning in and of itself isn’t sexy, but the more you share the household chores with your partner, the more likely you are to have a good sex life.

“Contributing more does make a partner appreciate what the other partner is doing.”

In order to measure the relationship between the division of housework and sex, a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family surveyed couples that had young children and earned slightly less than the national median average. In addition, each of the wives surveyed were under 45 years old.

Researchers found that when couples shared the housework, they had sex 6.8 times monthly, while couples that reported the wife did the majority of the housework had sex 0.5 times less often. In addition, when the husband did the majority of the housework, couples had sex half as much as those who shared household duties evenly.

