5 Fun Vagina Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know

Vaginas are awesome.

Sex With T.S.
Sex With TS


Vaginas are awesome.

That’s right I said they’re awesome.

Adam may have been created first, but God got it right when he made Eve and her lady bits.

But even though the vagina is super awesome, for many, it’s still shrouded in mystery.

How much do you really know about your lady bits?

For many, I bet the answer is not much.

So here are five fun vagina facts that show the awesomeness of your lady bits.

1. The vagina is like a sock — or balloon.

While only 3 to 4 inches long it can expand up to 200% when aroused (or to pop out a baby).

So for you ladies who only like Big Ones, your kitty cat will expand to fit your man just fine and if doesn’t do so naturally, you can use dilators to expand your lady parts.

No need for painful sex or small penises. No disrespect to small penises.

