How to Actually Make Sex Toys a Part of Your Sex Life

SexEdPlus Dan
Sex Ed Plus
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018


This comic is not about how to tell your partner you’d like to use toys with them. This comic is not about the practicalities of using toys with your partner either. It’s also not about the joys of using sex toys alone, or anything about how to pick out toys. Though, to be clear, those are all worthwhile topics.

This comic is about how to make sex toys a more regular part of your sex life with a partner. This is about when you and your partner both like sex toys, and you want to use toys together, and maybe you’ve even used toys together before, but for some reason it’s just not as often as you’d like.

Maybe you just have trouble remembering they’re there. Or maybe it’s hard to find the motivation to get them out. One way or another, it can be a challenge to use them as often as you’d enjoy it. Here’s a few tips and ideas that might help.

