What The Love Is A Romantic Orientation?

SexEdPlus Dan
Sex Ed Plus
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2018


Let’s start with some simple definitions:

Sexual orientation is the genders that a person is sexually attracted to.

Romantic orientation is the genders that a person is romantically attracted to.

So sexual orientation describes a who a person wants to have sexual relationships with, and romantic orientation describes who a person wants to date or have romantic relationships with.

Here are some examples of sexual orientations:

Heterosexual — sexually attracted to people of a different gender
Homosexual — sexually attracted to people of the same gender
Bisexual — sexually attracted to two or more genders
Pansexual — sexaully attracted to people of all genders
Asexual — not sexually attracted to people of any gender

And here are some examples of romantic orientations:

Heteroromantic — romantically attracted to people of a different gender
Homoromantic — romantically attracted to people of the same gender
Biromantic — romantically attracted to two or more genders
Panromantic — romantically attracted to people of all genders
Aromantic — not romantically attracted to people of any gender

Sexual orientation and romantic orientation often align. For example, a person may be homosexual and homoromantic…

