
10 People Who Actually Died While Having Sex

I’m Not Sure if It’s the Best Way to Go Out or the Worst

Joe Duncan
Published in
9 min readMar 9, 2020


I’m not sure if it would be the best way to go out or the worst. You’re there, pumping along, enjoying a quick bout of healthy, happy, consensual sex when, suddenly, something goes very wrong. In your last few minutes, you go from absolute bliss to an absolute nightmare situation. In French, it’s called, “la mort d’amour,” or, “the death from love,” a term that’s often used medically to describe coitally-induced cardiac overload which can cause a slew of other bad things to happen to your body which can cause death. In English, we colloquially refer to it as, “dying in the saddle,” which implies that one died while performing their customary duties, and death can come in a number of different ways, including cardiac arrest or stroke.

A 1996 publication called Coital Emergencies discussed in detail all of the most common ways people die while having sex, covering everything ranging from heart attack to injury, all in just a few pages. Sex is actually quite traumatic on the circulatory system. I think we all know that feeling after sex where you lay there wondering if your breathing and heart rate will go back to normal. Fortunately, the chances are extremely good that they always will. A lot of this has to do with the preexisting heart health of the



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: