10 Weird Animal Sex Facts You Don’t Need to Know…Unless You Like Weird Animal Sex

#1. The black widow twerks

Carlyn Beccia
Published in
7 min readJan 14, 2021


It might seem like most animals are as lusty as a bunch of teens at Burning Man, but animals are surprisingly picky about whom they mate. Many have elaborate courtship rituals that would exhaust your average human. While others get kinkier than a hentai video.

Here are a few of the strangest animal sex facts you probably don’t need to know…unless you like animal sex facts.

1. The black widow twerks

Much like humans, female black widows are constantly torn between their desire for food or sex. Thus, the female faces this conundrum every time a male scurries across her web — shall I eat him or fuck him?

Luckily, the male black widow has a way to silence the dinner bell. He will vibrate his abdomen, take a few steps, and then vibrate his abdomen again in what resembles twerking. Zoologists have found that he twerks at a longer and softer vibration to communicate he is there for sex.

In turn, she will move closer to his sweet vibes and twerk back. Awwwww… Isn’t that sweet? Hold that thought…

Unfortunately, there’s no rolling over and falling asleep after sex for these males. Once the spiders…



Carlyn Beccia

Award-winning author of 13 books. My latest: 10 AT 10: The Surprising Childhoods of 10 Remarkable People, MONSTROUS: The Lore, Gore, & Science. CarlynBeccia.com