13 Things I Think When Writing a Sex Scene

What I do when faced with writus interruptus

Kiki Wellington


Photo by Evgeny Govorov on 123RF.com

I love writing erotica. I started doing it on a lark and quickly found that I really enjoy it. Of course, I love writing in general — which is why you’re reading this now of course! — but fiction writing is especially where my creative brain starts turning and my juices get flowing. And writing my quirky sex stories has been especially fun for me over the years.

The weird thing is, my least favorite part of writing erotica can be writing the actual sex. I love putting together the stories and I love creating a roadmap to the bedroom explaining why these people (or in some cases, ghosts or even mannequins) are having sex, but when panties drop and dicks get hard, sometimes I get stuck.

To me they sound more New England Journal of Medicine than late night one-handed reading.

Although some people get into erotica thinking it’s easy peasy — it’s just about putting tab A in slot B — they quickly find out it can be extremely challenging…even frustrating. That’s not to say that sex scenes don’t usually come together naturally for me. Sometimes they most certainly do, but other times I find my mind racing trying to get words on the page and I end up thinking all manner of…

