3 Simple and Sexy Ways to Boost Your Confidence in the Bedroom

Encouraging tips to help you experience more pleasure

Bradlee Bryant


Lockdown has been a sexual buzzkill for many of us, including my husband and me. Gone are the afternoon romps while our kids were at school or the magical nights away to focus on just the two of us.

Whether it’s because you lived alone or your partner drove you to the point of insanity, many couples have seen their sexual confidence go nearly dormant during the lockdowns this past year.

Getting back on the horse, per se, might feel a little intimidating — or downright overwhelming.

But, here’s the thing — you’re never going to feel confident 100% of the time or with every single thing you do. Cut yourself some slack, especially given the circumstances of the past year. We all have points in our lives when sex feels like a magical escape into pleasure, and you excitedly rip your clothes off every night, ready to explore. There are also times, like now, when sex feels a little like a daunting chore or an afterthought.

That’s okay. Sexual confidence is fluid and sexual insecurities are normal.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling like your sexual bravado is lacking, and it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a lifetime of bad sex. You…

