4 Ways To Make Love Like You’re In A Romance Novel

Yes, real-life romance novels exist, I live inside of one

Meghan Madness


If you haven’t seen the show outlander, I suggest you watch it. Sure, the actors and actresses are surrounded by cameras, so the intimacy is hardly legitimate, but we are supposed to be paying attention to the story. Not the production. With that being said, yes, actual life romance novels exist. I live inside of one.

I think the main problem most relationships have today is quite literally today. This time is nothing but social media, technology, appearance, and we are all in the spotlight. We are all constantly trying to make everyone see us a certain way. We may not even realize it, but we do. We have societal standards to live up to, social media models to embody, and moral codes passed down of how love should work. But what happens if you take all of that away? What happens if you work off pure desire and instinct? Much like, I don’t know, a romance novel?

1. Step back in time

Look at periods before the Internet – before society had such strong standards on glamour. Today a lot of men/women pride themselves so much on looking good that sexual encounters become washed out with expectations and self-consciousness. We hide our “flaws” so much that being intimate is saved…



Meghan Madness

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.