Science | Women
5 Kinds of Female Orgasms That Do Not Exist
And one that does. Let’s break down the anatomy of female pleasure.
So help me, God…If I see one more unsourced junk science article on “different types of female orgasms,” I am going to throw my copy of Gray’s Anatomy at someone’s head. (And it’s a rather heavy tome.)
We have a problem in sex education rooted in some dark history — we do not want to recognize the clitoris as the source of female pleasure.
It makes sense when you look back at history. When men first found the clitoris, they tortured women for it.
In 1486, The Malleus Maleficarum, the raging misogynist guide of its day, taught that if a man found a tiny nub of protruding flesh between her labia, then you better hide her broomsticks. A clitoris was a sign the woman was a witch.
Of course, they didn’t call it a clitoris. Medical examiners called it a “devil’s teat” because Satan and his imps garnered supernatural powers by suckling off of it. (If only women could have convinced men that they would get magical powers from suckling it.)
The belief that the clitoris fed the devil continued into the sixteenth century. In 1593, Alice Samuel was accused of witchcraft, stripped naked, and…