5 Things Most People Get Wrong About Hotwives

Please take note

Keeva Black


Via cuncon on Pixabay

With more and more couples choosing to live a life outside traditional monogamy, it can be hard to keep up with what the difference is between ethical non-monogamy, the swinging lifestyle, polyamory, and other nontraditional relationships. Television shows and movies seem to usually get it wrong, but as someone that practices a few of these lifestyles, I will give them credit for at least trying to educate the public about those of us that dare to live outside the lines of society.

However, one kind of “arrangement” I am constantly having to advocate for and educate others about is the hotwifing niche. If you are here reading this, I’m guessing you might know a thing or two about what being a hotwife entails, but just in case:

Refinery29 interviewed hotwife lifestyle coach and practicing hotwife, Alexis McCall in 2018, who defines this act as, “a married woman whose marriage is open on her end only, so that she can date other men and have sex with them, with both the permission and encouragement of her husband, in order to fulfill his fantasy of sharing her with other men, to the benefit of their marriage.”

McCall’s definition of “Hotwifing” is the version my husband and I follow when I act as a hotwife. While there are several different ways a woman can act as a…



Keeva Black

🇨🇦 Writer. Mom. Swinging & Hotwife lifestyle with my soul mate. Editor: https://medium.com/modern-swinging