5 Ways to Have More Sex With Your Partner — A Nympho’s Guide

I have had almost sex every day for the past seven years

Meghan Madness


Photo made by the author on Canva

Shit happens. Sex gets put on the back burner. That’s normal. But sometimes sex gets put on the back burner and left there till it’s evaporated.

We ask ourselves, why isn’t she/he ever horny? Why do they get 30 headaches a week? Am I that bad? Etc. Being bad isn’t always the reason, but being good isn’t either.

If sex feels like a chore, or it seems your partner isn’t down to get down unless it’s a blue moon, then there are ways to change that.

I am a nymphomaniac; while that’s hot in Hollywood, it’s not so much in real life. I have a lot of sex. A lot. Here is my potent advice on how to encourage more sexual desire between partners.

1. You need to up your game

Just because you’re getting denied, doesn’t mean you’re bad in bed, you just need to up your game.


One of the main reasons I hated sex with my ex was because foreplay was non-existent. Maybe he would eat me out for 5-minutes, but he went down there like a velociraptor who was starved. Not cool. Or hot.

Take your damn time – read this



Meghan Madness

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.