6 G-Spot Myths Women Wish Men Would Stop Believing

Misunderstanding female anatomy is why squirting is confused with female ejaculation.

Carlyn Beccia


G-Spot Myths: Misunderstanding female anatomy is why squirting is confused with female ejaculation.
Artwork: © Carlyn Beccia | www.CarlynBeccia.com

No other part of the female anatomy has been discovered, denounced, rediscovered, renamed, and frustrated researchers more than the elusive G-spot. It's been called Gräfenberg's Holy Grail of female pleasure, a magical sex "button," and the secret orgasmic key to unlocking ecstasy. But as any vulva owner can tell you, the reality isn't squirting unicorns.

Despite this, plenty of myths and misconceptions surround the G-spot, particularly regarding ejaculation vs. squirting.

So, as always, let's debunk a few anatomy myths with the latest research.

Myth #1: The G-spot was named by Dr. Ernst Gräfenberg

History is filled with male anatomists going all Christopher Columbus on women's bits. The Fallopian Tubes, Bartholin's glands, the Pouch of Douglas, the Graffian Follicle, the Skene's Glands, and the Glands of Montgomery are all named after male anatomists. But most of these scientists didn't name women's sex and reproductive organs after themselves. Later men gave them that honor.

For example, when Gabriele Fallopio discovered the fallopian tubes in the…



Carlyn Beccia

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: CarlynBeccia.com