6 Things You Can Do To Have More Sex as a Parent

Don’t you miss afternoon sex?

Smillew Rahcuef


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Some people say it’s all right for parents to have much less sex; after all, they already had a fair amount, the kids being the proof.

I disagree. If anything, I want more.

Before family life, my partner and I had sex in the middle of the day. The light was flowing through windows and drawing sensual paths on our skins for our tongues to follow.

Now, on the good days, we’ve sex late at night, when the bed is singing like a siren, trying to lure us onto soft pillows.

Here’s what you can do as a parent to travel back in time and have sex during the day again.

Set Up an Alarm Clock

It’s 7:15 AM, and you wish cuddling could turn into spooning and then forking (spooning with more penetration), but no.

It’s 7:15 AM, and someone needs to prepare breakfast, children need help to wake up, and you’re already late for work and school as it is.

So you put an alarm clock one hour earlier to have time to explore your partner’s body before the day starts.

We call it the alarm cock.

