6 Toys That Seem Scary That You Should Still Try

You may just fall in love.

Caitlin Jill


Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

The first time I walked into a sex shop was the first time I realized exactly how many different types of toys and props there are that you can use when it comes to sex. It’s honestly mindblowing. Even though there are tons of things I still haven’t tried and some that I maybe never will, I absolutely love that there are so many options. There really is something for everyone, and that’s pretty damn cool.

Sometimes toys can seem scary if you’ve never used them before. You see how they look and know what they do in theory, but it can be nerve-wracking to actually bring them home and give them a try. Both solo toys and couples toys can produce some anxiety, especially if you’re walking through a sex shop trying to weigh your options and figure out what’s right for you. Between all the different sized vibrators, BDSM displays, and huge molds of penises, it can definitely be a little overwhelming, even for the most sex-positive of people.

In general, the unknown is always scary, but sometimes taking the plunge is worth it. There are some toys that may make you hesitate a bit, but personally, I think they’re absolutely worth a shot.

All of the toys that I’ve included on my list come in different shapes, sizes, colors, materials, etc. As for which…



Caitlin Jill

Queer, polyam, neurodivergent Los Angeles based writer with a lot of stories to tell. I enjoy being myself and talking about sex.