7 Important Lessons in My Son’s Most Viewed Porn Videos

Take those parenting moments where you can find them.

Benjamin Davis
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2019


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Lesson #1 — Sex is about respect

All sex begins with respect and understanding. I know that porn is telling you that someone owes you sex if you give them a ride, or find them on a park bench, or interview them for a job or if they’re your step-sister, but this is not true. No one owes you anything.

Lesson #2 — Safe words are important

I can see from your search history that you watched “Bad Bitches Back-Door Brutal” two-hundred times. Your brother likes this one too, but it is important to understand that aggression in sex is only appropriate when both parties agree on some ground rules. You should establish a safe word beforehand. Sure, “Boom-Headshot” could be a safe word, but you’d better talk that over with your partner first.

Lesson #3 — You’re not alone in your shame

I can see by your face that you feel really guilty about this video here. Don’t worry, the secret is to look at the views. See there, that is over three million people! So, don’t worry, you’re not weird. The world is just a fucked-up place where people don’t want to admit they want to do that…

