7 Strange Sex Studies I Found (And What They Can Teach Us)

I fell down a sex study rabbit hole and learned a few things

Ash Jurberg
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2022


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Would you have sex with a head on a stick?

I’m hoping you answered no to that question — it was not something I had ever considered asking — until I went down a strange rabbit hole today.

I was researching for an upcoming article, and one of the studies I was reading took me in an unusual direction. It was about the sexual behavior of male turkeys — which we shall come to.

From the turkey study, I was drawn into a world of weird and wonderful sex studies. Highly educated academics with a string of letters after their names invested time and money into the most peculiar studies. I was struggling to see the benefits of such a study.

But I don’t like seeing time or money go to waste, so I thought I would look at some of these sex studies and see what we can learn from them.

Hopefully, these insights can improve our sex lives somehow — even turkey heads on a stick.

1. Driver’s ed

Cindy Struckman-Johnson, a professor at the University of South Dakota, wanted to research how prevalent sex acts were while driving and the impact they caused.

