7 Things I Get From Sex That Masturbation Can’t Give Me

My vibrator can’t tell me that it loves me.

Gigi Love


It’s true; I love my vibrator.

Spending some one-on-one time with my buzzy little friend is pretty amazing. It helps me fall asleep. It’s a stress-reliever. And I get a pretty incredible orgasm — or multiple! — from my time with it.

But the truth is that if I’m given the option of time with my vibrator or time with my man… there’s no question. I’m choosing sex.

This isn’t a crazy idea, right? A lot of people would pick sex over masturbation.

But — truth talk — for those of us with vaginas, vibrators can build better orgasms.

I know, it’s crazy, right? But they’re machines. It’s what they are made for.

Still, sex is better. Here’s why.

The feeling of connection with my partner

I’m sure we can all agree this is pretty obvious. My vibrator isn’t going to tell me it loves me as I climax. But, my boyfriend will.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a one-night stand or a long-term relationship. Sex bonds you. It’s science. Sometimes, we just don’t want to be alone. Sometimes, we want…



Gigi Love

I write short & spicy romance and need coffee. I have questions (and answers) about sex, love, and pop culture. https://linktr.ee/authorgigilove