7 Things to Add to Your Sex Bucket List While Married
Ideas to fill your bucket when you’ve got a permanent bedfellow
Sex buckets lists are all the rage. Promising explorations of sensation and connection with lovers, partners, total strangers is intriguing and keeps your mind churning with passion and desire.
Inspired by the plethora of my fellow sex writers preaching the glories of buckets of sex, I sat down to make my own. The first item on my list was a threesome.
And there, I got stuck. You see, I’m married. Happily, blissfully, contentedly married to a man I could not have built better in the Weird Science lab. I know that Mr. Laithland a) has already been a third of a threesome (before our time, thus not including me) b) did not enjoy himself overmuch and c) has valid reservations about adding another body to our marriage bed.
I understand and respect his decision here. So, where does that leave my bucket list if the first item on it is uncheckable? The idea of a bucket list, even a sexual one, is to push yourself to new limits and experiences. Not everything has to check off, but the aim is to look for opportunities. As one half of a committed, monogamous-by-choice relationship, almost anything I add to my bucket list has to be amenable to my permanent partner. (Save masturbation…