8 Qualities of People Who are Great at Sex

Some key things to look for.

Caitlin Jill


Photo by We-Vibe WOW Tech on Unsplash

When it comes to sex, it seems that the widespread goal is to be deemed good at it. That’s what we all want, right? For our partners to tell their friends, “Oh my goodness, this person is SO great in bed.” We want to be great for our own enjoyment and the enjoyment of our partners. We want everyone to experience the most pleasure possible. And yeah, we want some bragging rights, too. Being great at sex is a wonderful thing.

So, how do we achieve that? What are the qualities of someone who is great at sex?

I have a partner who, from the moment I met him, I knew was going to be a fantastic lover. We had our first date in a Starbucks at around 4:30 in the afternoon, and as our conversation slipped into the evening and he eventually invited me back to his place, I was so excited, because I knew what was coming. Everything about him, from the way he carried himself to certain qualities he displayed, pointed to him being great at sex — and I was right.

As we got to know each other more, even more qualities that point to him being good in bed started to emerge, and they’re absolutely the kinds of qualities I look for in potential partners, both for sex purposes and just in general. It’s not a perfect science, but it’s a great blueprint, and so far, it…



Caitlin Jill

Queer, polyam, neurodivergent Los Angeles based writer with a lot of stories to tell. I enjoy being myself and talking about sex.