"80% Of Women Choose Only The Top 20% of Attractive Men" Is A Big Fat Incel Lie

And I have the data to prove it

Carlyn Beccia
Published in
6 min readMar 25, 2022


80% Of Women Choose Only The Top 20% of Attractive Men
Photo by JJ Jordan from Pexels

Unless you live in the bubble called marital bliss, you probably have had the Pareto Principle trotted out to prove why single men can't get a date. It goes like this — 80% of women on dating apps choose only the top 20% of attractive men.

If I had one lousy ducat for every time a man repeated this nonsense, I could finally afford my pool boy. (And a pool.)

Do you know the source of this claim? It originated from a 2015 article written by one incel(ish) guy. He got his data from polling 27 male Tinder users.

No sources. Just 27 disgruntled men. But in a world where critical thinking skills flew away with the dodo birds, 27 angry male opinions snowballed into a viral meme. Like really viral. When I was researching incels, I saw this 80/20 nonsense repeated on Reddit, Incel boards, and 4chan.

A far more credible and extensive study on sexual selection (albeit still somewhat biased) is research from the dating site OkCupid. The OkCupid geniuses surveyed male and female users and asked them to rate single people's attractiveness from 1 (least attractive) to 5 (most attractive).



Carlyn Beccia

Award-winning author of 13 books. My latest: 10 AT 10: The Surprising Childhoods of 10 Remarkable People, MONSTROUS: The Lore, Gore, & Science. CarlynBeccia.com