A Sex-Positive Manifesto

The principles of sex-positive culture are interdependent and logically anchored in personal freedom and autonomy

Hermes Solenzol


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Sex-positive culture arose from the sexual liberation of the 60s and the Feminists Sex Wars that started in the 80s and persist until today. This protracted confrontation between radical feminists and sex-positive feminists gave rise to a larger sex-positive culture that eventually spilled out of feminism into general society.

Sex-positive ideas are based on the fundamental principle of personal autonomy, which states that everyone has the right to decide what to do with his/her body and mind. This is not an absolute principle, but one that need to be balanced with the rights and safety of others. It can be overridden by some collective goods, like drives to vaccinate or quarantine people in epidemics. Still, these should always be extenuating circumstances.

The simple will of the majority cannot erase personal autonomy. That would be a dictatorship of the majority. A democratic system is not just one in which decisions are made by voting or by elected representatives; it should include respect for the rights of minorities and the personal autonomy of individuals. This is what we call freedom.



Hermes Solenzol

Professor of neuroscience. Pain researcher. Old-school Leftist. Science, philosophy, politics and kinky sex. https://www.hermessolenzol.com/en