A Hot Online Affair Reignited My Dying Marriage

But it wasn’t heating up I needed

Katherine Hart


Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

This story deals with sexual coercion. If you feel sexual aggression or coercion may be a factor in your relationship you can find out more at The National Domestic Violence Hotline.

“What will you do to him tonight?” he asked. He loved knowing the details of sex with my husband and describing them sent heat waves through my body. Having never sexted before, it left me panting and turned on.

I hadn’t sought out an online affair when I went on the game site. It was a way to fill in the time. A way to avoid my life, avoid my husband, avoid thinking. The word games were fun, but I quickly found out they were more fun than I expected.

The word challenges were really a cover for subtle online hookups. No need for a dating profile! You could private message other players and if your partner looked over your shoulder, you could quickly switch to the game and no one would suspect a thing. Initially, it felt harmless. It was just flirting, right? But then I met Jeremy.

Shortly after marriage, life with my husband started to deteriorate. It became clear he thought wives should be submissive and supportive. To him, that meant agreeing with his opinions, and never refusing sex.

