A Survival Guide for Successful Outdoor Sex

The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace rewritten: Minimum impact practices for sex outside

Ena Dahl
Published in
6 min readFeb 13, 2020


I’m still in my winter coat and nowhere near removing my panties in public… yet. But, spring is right around the corner, and when it comes to outdoor sex, you want to prepare ahead.

Yes, I can hear what you’re thinking:

—Isn’t outdoor sex supposed to be fun and impromptu?

Absolutely! But, a tiny bit of planning and preparedness actually allows us to be all that more spontaneous in the heat of the moment.

Stepping out of the zone and into the unknown is a huge reason why outdoor sex is a good idea.

The majority of sex happens inside, and predominantly in bed, for obvious reasons: Beds are convenient, and, not to mention, comfortable. And while comfy is great—who doesn’t crave warm, soothing and cuddly?—we never want to get comfortable to the point of complacency. Stepping out of the zone and into the unknown is a huge reason why outdoor sex is a good idea.

Another great reason is that it feels amazing! If you have yet to experience the sensation of a mild breeze, or fresh grass, tickling your inner thighs—if…



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.