Affairs Taught Me What I Want in Love

It took doing the wrong thing to learn what’s right

Jenn M. Wilson


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Yes, I’ve cheated in my marriage. Yes, I’ve had affairs. Yes, I’m an asshole. I’ve had a dead bedroom for almost twenty years.

A good number of trysts were simple one or two night stands. A warm body with a cock attached to scratch a sexual itch. Sometimes I wanted a man to tell me I was still desirable after all the rejection I received at home. There were voids, physically and emotionally, that needed filling.

I would be remiss if I didn’t learn something from these experiences. Cheating isn’t comfortable for me and I dislike my lack of integrity. I’ve taken some time to think about these affairs and what I’ve learned about men.

Or, more specifically, what fucking almost two dozen men has taught me about love and sex.

Kindness matters

At some point when a boy turns into a man, when does he learn that acting like an aggressive brute makes him seem more manly? While I enjoy ultra rough sex, I don’t need him to continue the treatment when it’s done. Stop calling me your “whore” or “bitch” after the fact. Just chill.

I appreciate the men who were kind after the deed, despite the aggressive sexual acts beforehand. A great indicator of…



Jenn M. Wilson

My midlife crisis and adventures along the way. I write because in real life my humor is allegedly too sarcastic and inappropriate.