Anal Sex Should Be Enjoyable for Both of You

The Beginner’s Guide to Butt Stuff.

Julia Beaudett


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

For some reason, there seems to be a lot of mystery around anal sex. And even though people are getting more and more open about sex — anal sex still seems to be taboo in our society.

We grew up watching women bargaining it on a special occasion like it’s some sort of precious gift, and men melting at the given opportunity and I can’t help but wonder if this is really the forbidden fruit it’s been made out to be.

Everything I remember from the first time my ex-boyfriend suggested we try anal sex was unexpected pain, slight discomfort, and the fact that I compared it to spicy food.

“It’s like eating food that’s not too spicy, but also not plain. You can still feel the heat, which makes it interesting, but I don’t really like spicy food…”

But just like your taste in food, your taste in sex can change, too.

My boyfriend always enjoyed anal sex, and I knew how much the idea of it turned him on. As for myself, being a genuinely curious person and someone who felt turned on by giving my partner pleasure, I was led to seek out deeper research. And so, one day while he was traveling…

