Are Body Issues Keeping You From Enjoying Sex

Don’t deny yourself great sex because you’re embarrassed to show him your body.

Norah James


A man recently commented that he loved going down on women, but some women were too ashamed of their bodies to let him.


I get body issues. I have them myself. But if women are denying themselves the supreme pleasure of oral sex because they think their privates are unseemly or they don’t want a guy to see their belly overhang or big hips or ass, then we have to talk.

We have a society that abuses women just for being themselves.

We praise women who look like they need a good meal as the norm for feminine beauty, a standard few of us can achieve.

But for some perspective on feminine beauty, take a look at classical paintings and sculptures. Do you see toothpicks with impossibly long legs, their hands covering their genitals in attitudes of shame as if, with all their bones sticking out, they are still too fat?

Hell, no. You see curves and rolls and layers of luscious womanhood. Wide hips made for childbearing and the loving that produces it.



Norah James

Single mom, double divorcee, running toward life with the scars and medals to show for it. Writing it all down, spelling be damned.