Are We too Attached to Monogamy?

Experts (and an increasing number of couples) seem to think so. But can an alternative really work?

Lizzie Mulherin


“People conflate monogamy with decency. Convention says that love means you don’t want to sleep with other people… but there are higher forms of loyalty than the loyalty you show with your [private parts]. That isn’t to say that monogamous relationships are futile and everyone should give up. It’s about how to do the monogamous thing without driving each other crazy.” — Dan Savage

For whatever it’s worth — largely just the record (HEY, BABE!) —I’m in a happy and loving monogamous relationship. We’ve always discussed the challenges and trade-offs of exclusive relationships openly, and he’s very supportive of me writing this article. What a guy.

How do you feel about long-term monogamy? It’s the kind of question that can really split a room.

Most often — in my experience, anyway — the sentiment of the majority is that sexual temptation will come and go, but acting on it isn’t worth the risk of…



Lizzie Mulherin

Thought pieces on relationships, human behaviour, gender and identity. Words in Huffington Post, Time Out & Lifestyle Online. Twitter / IG: @LizzieMulherin