Are You Boring in Bed?

Here’s how you can tell, and how you can fix it

Holly Paige


Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

If you’ve ever worried that your skill in the bedroom falls on the monotonous side of lovemaking, I’d like to congratulate you.

Simply being self-aware and taking a critical look at whether or not you’re truly satisfying your partner is the first step to better sex.

If you can admit that the sex in your relationship is getting boring, you can start doing the work to make it hotter, more exciting, and more orgasmic.

And if you’re certain you’re the world’s most thrilling lover and have no room for improvement, chances are you’re more in need of some sexual reflection than the rest of us.

That’s because the very best lovers are the ones who are willing to constantly learn about their partner and themselves, look at their own habits, and improve.

It’s not necessarily one person’s fault, either. It takes two (more or less) to have sex, so if things aren’t great, communication is the best and quickest way to help the situation.

Breaking boring habits

If you’re a boring lover, one of the best things about it is that you have a lot of fun and naughty work to look forward to.



Holly Paige

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at