Be Better in Bed!

Seven steps to sexual prowess

Ena Dahl
Published in
7 min readDec 9, 2019


I feel ambivalent about sex tips. Don’t get me wrong, I gobble them up and I also write them. Still, I have an issue with sex advice that says things like “all men will love it when you do this” or “no real woman likes so-and-so”.

The problem with very specific tips is that every-body is different, and that’s not just true for our bodies, but for our minds too: We have distinct kinks and preferences, and not to mention, diverse circumstances and reference points.

Sometimes we even like different things from one day to the next. We’re affected by external factors, from work to the weather, and internal ones, from our mental to our physical health. My preferences change vastly according to my cycle—which is true for many women.

When I’m PMSing I want gentler, more comforting sex. Around ovulation, I’m practically swinging from the chandelier yelling for more.

Therefore my number one sex tip will always be; talk to each other!

There are a few other factors that separate the magnificent from the mediocre: While technique is important, the characteristics they have in common have more to do with mindset than ‘moves’.

So here it is; my list of the top defining traits to add the extra to the ordinary.



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.