Become a Master of the Clitoris if You Want to Be a Better Lover

It’s the secret to pleasing a woman

Marie Lynne


Until recently, we have mostly ignored the woman’s clitoris, which is sad since it is the key to fantastic orgasms.

Discovering My Clitoris

I first discovered mine in my late teens. I’d seen pictures of it a few years earlier when I borrowed the book, Our Bodies Ourselves. My mother, a registered nurse, had suggested I read it. It provoked great discussions, such as about masturbation.

But it wasn’t until I stumbled onto steamy romances that I became interested in this part of my anatomy. The hot descriptions of lovemaking aroused me enough to try something new. It was then that I slipped my hand between the crook of my legs and touched myself. I discovered my clitoris could create the most incredible sensations.

My first orgasm was a small, quiet affair. There was no panting or dripping sweat. I even questioned if it had happened. It took several more occurrences for me to realize that what I was feeling was a climax.

I wished I could say those early experiences were the beginnings of a lifelong love affair with my body. They weren’t. My explorations were furtive and done in secrecy.

A Steep Learning Curve…



Marie Lynne

Exploring Sex, Sexuality, and Gender issues as a 50+ y.o. Single Woman