Do I Have to Apologize for My Body Before Sex?

I’m ready to drop the disclaimers

Y.L. Wolfe
Howl by Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
6 min readJan 7, 2020


Photo by Mike Powell on Unsplash

Dear future lover,

When we undress, I’ll probably do it slowly. Not to be provocative or teasing, but because I’m afraid you won’t like what you see.

I feel like I have to give a disclaimer to anyone who desires me.

My breasts are on the large size, which sure, is probably great, but they are the stereotypical gym sock types. You know — long, skinny, and low-hanging. No, it’s not because I’m in my forties and not even because I breastfed (I don’t have children, as you know by now). Nope, this is what they looked like by the time I was 16.

Also…I don’t really have areolas. Maybe that’s not an issue, but I’ve always been a tad self-conscious about that. I would love to have that pretty blush around my nipples but I don’t, and when there is a bit of color there, it’s hardly noticeable. It’s just my pale gym socks and their big, brazen, unringed nipples.

I might be on the hairy side. I’ve been trying so hard to make peace with my body exactly as it is without having to conform to feminine beauty standards. On occasion, I let it all grow out and experiment with how comfortable I can become with it.



Y.L. Wolfe
Howl by Y.L. Wolfe

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