Does the Size of Your Clitoris Matter?

Women are joining the “grow your clit” movement, but does size increase pleasure?

Carlyn Beccia


Does the Size of Your Clitoris Matter? — grow your clit movement
Pexels | Photo by SHVETS production

The ancient Greeks understood the dangers of Prometheus stealing fire. Knowledge may enlighten, but it also is the great equalizer. So it’s no wonder that when they encountered the clitoris, they treated it like a wart, a callous, or an unsightly skin tag.

Yep. They sliced it off.

(Ladies, you can uncross your legs. I got the scariest part of this article over with early.)

The problem was that the ancient Greeks understood that the clitoris was homologous to the penis and that women had similar erections. This knowledge scared them more than Medusa’s hair.

But don’t worry. They didn’t slice off all clitorises—only the big ones. So there’s that.

At the time, it was believed a larger clitoris led to lustiness that caused a woman to (gasp!)…act like a man.

Greek writer Paulus of Aegina writes;

“An immensely great clitoris occurs in some women; the presenting problem is shameful impropriety. According to what some people report, some even have erections similar to men on account of the [bodily] part and are eager for sexual intercourse.”



Carlyn Beccia

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: