Edging the Orgasm Gap

Let’s fill it with the truth

Ena Dahl
Published in
12 min readNov 13, 2019


Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash

I have a theory about why edging is favored more widely by men. We tend to eroticize the unfamiliar and foreign, the bizarre and sometimes even our fears.

When practiced mindfully, concepts that may sound terrifying in real life can be flipped on their heads, to where they become thrilling and deeply arousing.

Kink can be defined as the erotification of the unusual

I once read a letter to sex columnist Savage Love, in which a guy wanted his boyfriend to tie his sweaty, post-jog sneakers around his face as foreplay.

Yup, that’s pretty bizarre. But I’m not one to kink-shame; As long as you stay SSC (safe, sane, consensual), I’ll never yuck your yum!

The orgasm gap is real

For the majority of men, who’s issue is more commonly in line with trying not to climax too fast, the thought of being brought to the edge — again and again — and not cum might sound scary as hell. Perhaps because of its outlandishness, the idea carries the same kind of exotic allure.

To most men, the idea of not cumming might be about as bizarre as having a pair of soggy sneakers tied to their faces…



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.