Every Couple Needs a Sex Blanket

What it is and why you need it for a better sex life

Christopher Kokoski


Blue blanket folded — Every Couple Needs a Sex Blanket
Image by the Author using Canva

If you’ve been dating for a while — or you’re married — you need a sex blanket.

It sounds funny, I know.

But, trust me, a sex blanket will change your life, make sex so much easier, and become a non-negotiable part of your sexy time.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about sex blankets:

  • What they are
  • How to use them
  • The best kind to get

What Is a Sex Blanket? (Explained)

First things first: what exactly is a sex blanket?

Simply put, a sex blanket is a blanket that is customized to make sex comfortable, less messy, and easier to clean up. It’s a blanket that you use almost every time you have sex (at least at home).

Before long, the blanket also becomes a psychological trigger for better sex.

That’s one of the main reasons every couple needs one.

In the next section, you’ll learn three other very good reasons.

Why Every Couple Needs a Sex Blanket

In my opinion, every couple that’s been dating for more than a few months needs a sex blanket.

You probably don’t want to whip out a sex blanket on your first date.

Not only is that weird, it might also be a red flag that sends your potential sex partner sprinting back to the dating apps.

But, after you are exclusive with someone, it makes sense to make sex as easy and problem-free as possible. That’s where the sex blanket shines.

Here are three good reasons every couple needs a sex blanket:

  1. Sex blankets reduce anxiety
  2. Sex blankets make cleaning up fast and easy
  3. Sex blankets trigger deeper arousal

Let’s break each one of these down into a bit more detail.

#1) Sex Blankets Reduce Anxiety

If you do it right, sex is pretty messy.

And making a mess can provoke a lot of stress in some people. A sex blanket reduces this anxiety because you lay it over top of your bed or another sex surface.

With a sex blanket, you don’t need to worry about body fluids flying everywhere.

Because of their wicking material, sex blankets prevent or absorb sweat, urine, squirting, cum, lube, and other sex-reflated fluids.

#2) Sex Blankets Make Cleaning Up Fast and Easy

On a similar note, sex blankets make cleaning up after sex easy.

You no longer need to change your covers or sheets.

You simply ball up your sex blanket and throw it in the washing machine. It doesn’t get much easier than that.

#3) Sex Blankets Trigger Deeper Arousal

A side benefit of sex blankets that is often overlooked is that they can turn into a psychological trigger for arousal.

Anything that your mind associates with sex (especially great sex) can become a trigger. That includes music, a location, or a sex accessory.

Once you use a sex blanket a few times, it becomes such a trigger.

Simply seeing the blanket unfolded across your bed can make you hard or wet.

How To Use a Sex Blanket

As you might suspect, using a sex blanket is pretty straightforward.

Here are a few ways to use your sex blanket:

  1. You keep your sex blanket handy for when you feel randy.
  2. Before you get busy, you lay your sex blanket over your bed.
  3. You have amazing circus sex all over your sex blanket.
  4. After sex, you toss your sex blanket in the washer so that it’s clean and ready for the next sex session.

You can even bring your sex blanket when you want to get frisky in the great outdoors.

Here’s How To Get the Best Kind of Sex Blanket

Not every blanket makes a good sex blanket.

Here is how to get the best sex blanket for your sex life:

  1. Durable. A durable blanket is one that will withstand repeated washings and will not pill or shrink. A good way to determine durability is to look for blankets made from synthetic fibers.
  2. Comfort. A comfortable blanket is one that is soft to the touch and does not irritate the skin. It should also be breathable to prevent overheating. You don’t want to have sex on an itchy or hard blanket.
  3. Water-Resistant. A water-resistant blanket is one that repels water rather than absorbs it. This can be important for indoor or outdoor sexual Olympics. Water-resistant blankets are typically made from synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon.
  4. Stain-Resistant. A stain-resistant blanket is one that resists stains and is easy to clean. This can be important for families with small children or pets. Stain-resistant blankets are often made from synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon.
  5. Dark Color. Darker colors hide stains better, so I’d go with black or navy blue. Red is a color often associated with sex and love, so that can work great, too.
  6. Odor-Resistant. Odor-resistant blankets are made with special materials that help to prevent odors from setting in. This means that you can use your blanket without having to worry about it smelling bad after a few uses. And trust me, once you’ve used an odor-resistant blanket, you’ll never go back to using a regular one. They really do make a world of difference.
  7. Cooling. A cooling blanket is one that helps to regulate body temperature and prevents overheating. This can be important for hot, sweaty romps or for those who live in warm climates.

Final Thoughts

There is no one size fits all sex blanket but you definitely want to get one that covers your entire bed (or sexual space).

Like a lot of things, a good sex blanket is a simple tool that can transform your sex life.

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Christopher Kokoski

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