These Foreplay Tips Will Put Any Woman in the Mood for Sex

Foreplay is your negotiation tool for sex

Hakima T A N T R I K A


“I’m just not in the mood today.”

Babe, does this sentence sound a little too familiar? Well, you won’t be hearing it anymore, because I’m about to share 3 steps to foreplay that will put any woman in the mood for sex.

For women, foreplay is the warm-up before sex, and it is absolutely necessary. Would you jump into a workout without warming up? Probably not, because you’d be risking injury. It’s the same with foreplay. A woman needs at least a bit of proper foreplay to avoid damaging her vagina. So, give her what she needs, and she’ll reciprocate by giving you what you want.

Now, if you think that foreplay is 5 minutes of finger play and kissing before moving onto intercourse, you’re wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Foreplay is about building passion, setting the mood, and awakening your woman’s body to sex. If you want to be a better lover, foreplay is a must.

It takes about 20 to 30 minutes for women to open up and become aroused.

This is why foreplay is so important. It gives our bodies the time needed to warm up and to produce enough lubrication for pleasurable intercourse. It also…



Hakima T A N T R I K A

Scholar-practitioner of Classical Tantra with 15 years' experience, launching Quantum Tantra, a 3-month online program for the down-to-earth spiritual seekers