LGBTQ+ | Opinion

Gay Men Can Love Straight Porn, Too

Why should we be limited by our sexual orientation?

Sieran Lane
Published in
9 min readJul 9, 2023


A man and a woman lying half-naked in bed. They look tender and playful.
Photo by HayDmitriy on DepositPhotos. Author has standard license to use photo for commercial purposes.

Six years ago, a bisexual friend declared, “I used to watch straight porn, but now, I hate it. It’s so boring. So I only watch gay porn.”

I laughed with them at the time, but I felt guilt in my stomach.

There was a short time when I was intrigued by gay porn, but I soon felt disappointed, bored, and realised that I found straight porn more exciting. I didn’t want to tell anyone, because it felt like a betrayal of my fellow gays. (I’m a gay trans person.)

Transphobes may argue that I’m just a straight woman, hence why I connect more with the women in hetero porn than with the men in gay ones.

Perhaps I had some internalized transphobia, where a part of me still believed I was a girl. Yet, I had heard of cis gay men imagining themselves as the woman in a straight romance, so couldn’t they do the same in porn scenes?

A little-known truth about sexual orientation, is that it’s much more nuanced than most people think. It’s not until you dig deeper into it that you discover just how rich and varied our desires can be.

The first person I ever confessed my shameful secret to, was a friend I met on…



Sieran Lane

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!