Girls Who Like Boys and Watch Boys Who Like Boys

You’d be surprised how many straight women are watching male gay porn

Kara Summers


Image by Author via

10 years ago a distant acquaintance liked a page on Facebook. It came up in my feed, and out of curiosity, I followed the link. The post itself was removed shortly after, as I am sure the individual didn’t mean to share it. The website was a photography portfolio of some sort. But the pictures were all explicit. Namely of nude men or male couples.

I couldn’t take my eyes off them. I kept scrolling through the pictures, pausing and dreaming at my favourites. I was surprised by how much they aroused me, not just the naked men, but also the couples in eluding poses.

I had never particularly enjoyed watching porn, but this was different.

I was pregnant at the time and my husband working abroad. So I was hormonal and overly horny. I felt guilty and ashamed, but then I put it all down to “weird pregnancy brains” and kept coming back to the site.

10 years later, I find myself exclusively searching for “male gay porn” on porn websites. Whenever I do watch porn, it’s usually that. I sometimes try straight porn but turn it off quickly. I still don’t enjoy it as much. And thankfully these days, we are starting to be more open about female sexuality and less…



Kara Summers

Author, Mindset Coach, Feminist, Abuse Survivor, Stronger than ever