God is Mentioned 40 Times in the Alabama Court Ruling on IVF

How much should God decide how Americans handle fertility treatments? Let’s discuss…

Carlyn Beccia


God is Mentioned 40 Times in the Alabama Court Ruling on IVF
Pexels | Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr.

“… human life is an endowment from God emphasizes a foundational principle of English common law.”

So reads the latest ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court on IVF treatments. And that isn’t even the scary bits.

“…the People of Alabama took what was spoken of the prophet Jeremiah and applied it to every unborn person in this state.”

Yes, that is a direct quote. James Madison is rolling in his grave.

But if you still possess critical thinking skills, you might be asking — which God? Is it Jesus, Allah, Beelzebub, or Dionysus? (Dionysus could make test tube babies in wine, so he has my vote.)

Here are the non-religious cliff notes.

The case of Burdick-Aysenne v. Center for Reproductive Medicine involves a wrongful death suit surrounding vitro fertilization, commonly known as IVF.

Apparently, a patient wandered into the cryogenic nursery, picked up a few test tubes, burnt their hands, and dropped them. My guess is that the Butterfingers baby killer didn’t realize that IVF requires liquid nitrogen…which burns. (This all could have…



Carlyn Beccia

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: CarlynBeccia.com