Has the Arcwave Ion Reinvented Male Masturbation?

A review of the Arcwave Ion: the world’s first male sex toy that uses pleasure air to intensify the male orgasm.

Benjamin Davis
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2021


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

“Are you sure you’re not going to get dick cancer after sticking your pecker in that thing?” is not the first thing you want your father to say after you show him your new sex toy over Skype. But that’s what he said when I showed him the Arcwave Ion, my new sex toy (and no, we aren’t going to unpack any of that).

It was a fair question. If you didn’t know anything about the Ion, you’d look at the picture on the box, a high-end desk vacuum-looking contraption with a blue light shooting out of the hole in the center, and think, Oh, fuck no.

Deciding not to judge a sex toy by its cover, I did a bit of research before agreeing to turn my trouser snake into a lab rat. Arcwave Ion’s website is thorough.

First, what is this thing?

“Meet the world’s first Pleasure Air stroker. Experience a new type of orgasm as unique pulsating airwaves stimulate sensitive Pacinian pleasure receptors in the frenulum.”

Okay, so what do those science words mean? Well, Pacinian pleasure receptors, or Pacinian corpuscles (not the seafood), are receptors that detect gross (not…

