Opinion| Culture

Here’s The Real Reason Why Men Stay With Women They Hate

Are we going to point out the obvious?

Ossiana Tepfenhart
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2024


Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

Does anyone else remember watching TV from yesteryear? As someone who grew up with mostly retro television, I sure do. I remember watching Married with Children with my parents, as well as The Honeymooners.

Back then, we all would have a quick laugh about how the husband always seemed to hate the wife in the shows. It was so common, it was even in more modern shows like Home Improvement.

Heck, even Archie Bunker had a mean streak toward his wife in All in the Family. It was a classic gag that was almost a constant presence. As a kid, I thought it was funny because I couldn’t understand why the husband didn’t just leave.

Today, I’m not laughing.

Looking back, the guys in those family sitcoms were pretty awful to their wives. The wives in those shows never did much aside from cook, clean, and try to warn their spouses when something was about to go south.

What did they get in return? They got men grunting at them “wife bad,” and told to stop nagging. Holy shit, Tim the Tool Guy should have been divorced 10 times over in real life.

The truth is this old sitcom trope…



Ossiana Tepfenhart

I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content