Here’s Why You Say Oh My God During Orgasm

The most interesting fact about orgasm you’ve probably heard.

Anja Vojta, MSc


Photo by Jay-r Alvarez from Pexels:

Have you ever thought about why you say certain things during climax?

Me neither. Until I stumbled across this podcast on Sacred Sexuality by philosopher Aubrey Marcus that blew my mind.

I dug deeper and discovered the fascinating meaning behind saying “Oh God” and other phrases during orgasm. Knowing it will help you understand why sex is one of the most beautiful and addictive things on earth.

The Meaning Behind God

According to a study mentioned in the podcast, most people say “Oh God” or the name of their partner during orgasm.

“God”, in this case, means nothing else than feeling an indescribable connection to the divine. As Aubrey Marcus says:

“All of you dies and you merge with something ecstatic that’s beyond your comprehension.”

The Greek word ekstasis means “being rapt out of oneself” — literally, outside of your body, experiencing something bigger than yourself. Unsurprisingly, all ecstatic states are linked to dissolving the ego. Some people have indeed reported their thoughts stopped completely during peak…



Anja Vojta, MSc

Love coach & Break-Up Expert. I help you regain confidence & happiness in your life ❤